Since 1986, our motto has been:
“The Future of Tradition”. Faithfully guided by this motto, we believe our obligation is, to secure a vibrant future through traditional values.
In 1986 we re-established the Clüsener brand, which, had already existed for over a hundred years with the colonial goods, drogues and retailers of our great-great grandfather Otto and his brother Theodor Clüsener (Gebr. Clüsener).
Today the company is in it`s fourth generation. The fifth generation is preparing to take responsibility.
We are keenly aware of our tradition, we can look to the future strengthened.
Our Clüsener products have always and will continue, to provide a consistently first-rate quality and precise attention to detail, in a world of change. Today we apply the same gentle manner as our great-great grandfather used in 1878 and aspire to the same rigorous standards he had.
Principle of exclusiveness
Always acting according to this principle; we only work with carefully selected family-run business partners who share our ethos. The constant companion in our executive process is the question:”Would our great-great grandfather agree with this decision?”
You may not find one product within our portfolio that folows a trend, but you will find a tradition. Our company is, through innovation, in constant developement of superior products. We achieve this by staying true to our principles of historic production and tradition.
The future of tradition.

Friedrich Dreesbeimdieke founded the distillery Dreesbeimdieke.
In the year 1878 our great-great grandfather, born in the parish Isselhorst (that today belongs to Gütersloh), founded the first of four distilleries in Heeper Street, Bielefeld. Among friends and acquaintanance he was affectionately called “Alter Drees (aged Drees)”.

16 farmers form the “Isselhorster Kornbrennerei GmbH” at Hollen/ Gütersloh.
In the parish Isseklhorst, (today county Gütersloh), in the district Hollen, the distillery is founded ba 16 grain farmers.
In the first picture we see Friedrich Dreesbeimdieke, with his wife Alvina Dreesbeimdieke. Alvina`s maiden name was Schlichte, another family that is in the bisiness of distillilation, his daughter Elisabeth Grete and his son Otto Dreesbeimdieke.

Friedrich Dreesbeimdieke founds his third distillery at Hollen/ Isselhorst.
The distillery at Hollen entirely distilled the liqueur (Feinbrannt) from the two existing distilleries in Bielefeld. At that time F.Dreesbeimdieke owned the Boyenstein Estate with a grain distillery, its fourth distillery.
On the left picture we see Otto Clüsener, who married Elisabeth Dreesbeimdieke.

Otto Clüsener senior, our grandfather, put together four distilleries in Isselhorst.
Feinbrannt is made for the first time in Hollen/ Isselhorst. A storage cellar is added in a L-shaped extension, which also contained an office section and a major part of the southern end of the distillery. This times sees the completion of the exterior works of the distillery that can be seen today on our bottles.

Our father, Otto Clüsener, acquired the distillery in Gütersloh-Hollen from his father, together with our mother.
Auf dem Bild sehen wir Otto Clüsener senior (links) und seinen Sohn Otto Clüsener junior (rechts), der das Unternehmen heute führt.

On November 1`st the Clüsener Grain Spirit and Speciality Fabrication Ltd (Clüsener Brennerei und Secialitäten GmbH) was founded.
Under the motto/ slogan The Future of Tradition our family business has proudly functioned since that November.
The logo, designed as an octahedron, contains the crests of the families of the two founder members in an alliance emblem: the French Fleur de Lis of the von Korff family and the battlements of the Clüsener family.

Expansion of our range of liqueurs.
We expanded our products to include: Rasberry Grain, Plum, Black Forrest Cherry and William`s Pear Brandy Spirits. Over the following years the range has expanded continuously.

The delicious Clüsener chocolates are added to the portfolio of Clüseners specialities.
Ten years after the introduction of the first Spirits, we offered the Clüsener chocolates to our customers.
Beside the different flavours we seperate the chocolates into the liquid and the firm one`s.

Expansion of our storage and production capacities.
To meet the increasing demand we created additional storage space. The novel solution we adopted was to use the base of the tower, originally used for the destillation, to store more barrels. This reflects our motto “The Future of Tradition” in an architectural form.

The brand “Senner vom Mutterfass” (Senner from the mother barrel) is revitalized.
“Senner vom Mutterfass”, the founder brand of F.Dreesbeimdieke, was zevitalized for the modern product range, but is still true to the original intent.

In order to meet the steadily increasing demand, a prominent building of historical design was built on the site of the former Customs Warehouse from 1962. With exquisite technical mastery and a keen eye for details, parts of the distillery are presented in a new light. Here too, our guiding idea “The Future of Tradition” is reflected in a structural form. We put our precious history in a modern space. State-of-the-art requirements for an optimal production process with the highest architectural demands led to the construction of the building as it presents itself to our visitors today. No effort or costs were spared to create another little jewel on the factory premises in Gütersloh-Hollen.